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Lavender Cake

Lavender Cake

Ingredients :

240 ml Polla Talea Olive Oil, 1 spoonful of lavender flowers, 4 eggs, 400 g sugar, 80 g cocoa, 120 g roughly chopped hazelnuts, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. .

Method :

Prepare an infusion with the Polla talea olive oil and the lavender and leave to rest for one day. Mix the eggs with the sugar and vanilla extract. Strain the flavoured oil through a fine-mesh strainer and add to the mixture. Mix well. Add the chopped hazelnuts, the cocoa, the sieved flour and baking powder. Pour into a greased cake tin and cook at 170° C for approximately 35 minutes. Once cool, cut into squares and serve with freshly whipped cream.

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